Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bev Bible Study Update

Session #4 Matthew 26
Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus; Verses: 14-16
1) How did the offer come about? Did they tempt Judas?
What exactly WAS Judas offering or what dilemma did he solve for the priests?
3) Read Psalm 41:9. How is this verse related?
4) Could they charge Jesus with anything criminal?
5) What do you think made Judas want money? (Did he lack money?)
6) Are 30 pieces of silver prophesied? (Matt. 27:9-10; Zec.11:13; Ex. 21:32)
Though we will avoid drawing a definite conclusion (because no one can be sure), what POSSIBLE reasons might Judas have for betraying Jesus?
The Lord’s Supper; Verses 17-30 One of the Spring Festivals was Passover (Ex. 12:3, 6 for history; Jesus institutes the Lord’s Supper (I Cor. 5:7-8); See also I Peter 1:18-19.
8) Verse 28: What is a “covenant” and how is this a newly instituted one?
9) Verse 29: When will Jesus “drink it anew with” us? Is the occasion significant?
10) Verse 30: Jesus and his disciples sung a hymn! What was it? (See Psalm 118)
What phrases from Psalm 118 are especially meaningful if sung by Jesus?
In John, let’s look at what questions various disciples asked Jesus at the Last Supper.
Name Question/Comment Answers
Peter (13:36-37)
Thomas (14:5)
Philip (14:8)
Judas (14:22)
You! ________ ____________________________ Has Jesus answered?
Peter’s Denial Predicted; Verses 31-35
Verse 34: How many times will Peter disown Jesus? Is that symbolic? (See John 21: 15-17)
Gethsemane; Verses 36-46
What does the word Gethsemane mean? Is the name particularly appropriate?
Verse 42: Why does Jesus use the metaphor of a cup for his troubles?

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