Monday, March 9, 2009

Preparing your heart for Easter—Session #5, March 2, 2009

Jesus Arrested Matthew 26: 47-56 (See also: John 18:1-11 and Luke 22:47-53)
*OVERVIEW QUESTION: As we read and discuss, keep notes on what details show the MAJESTY of Jesus and what details illustrate the MEEKNESS of Jesus.
1. What additional information does John’s Gospel provide?
2. In John, why do you think the soldiers fell back? (See Ex 3:14) Also, how does this relate to Psalm 27:1-2?
3. Why did Jesus ask them to let his disciples go free? Why did they not arrest Peter?
4. What further information about the arrest do we find out from Luke?
5. What types of leaders are in the attacking group? Is that surprising?
6. How many soldiers are in a “legion”?
7. Comment on Judas giving Jesus a kiss. Why does he need to? What does a kiss mean?
8. Then “they bound him.” What a laugh! What “cord” really bound him?
9. What kind of a CUP is this Jesus is accepting? What other cups are mentioned in the
Bible? Psalm 116:13: The Cup of _____________; In Jeremiah 16: 7: The Cup of
____________; Psalm 23:5 This cup is the cup of ________________.
Psalm 11: 6 is a wine cup of ________________.
Note: Annas had been their high priest , but Caiaphas was the one Romans accepted. So, for religious reasons, Annas was the one they went to first. Notice that at this point the PEOPLE still accepted Jesus; the RELIGIOUS leaders did not and wanted him killed.
Jesus Before the Sanhedrin Matt. 26: 48-68
10. What is ironic about Caiaphas’ identity?
11. Jesus does not answer at first; then he does when again asked who he is. Why?
12. The priests are “concerned” about Jesus breaking the Mosiac Law, but THEY are breaking the Mosiac Law in several respects! What are some?

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